Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ooooppppsss anyone even reading this? Ha, I just looked back and saw July was my last post. Well if that says anything at all, it shows how busy life is with two little ones. In my defense, I did try to post in February but I forgot my password:)

Well,'s wonderful right now. James will be 11 months on the 20th (MY BABBBYYY) and Haleigh will be 3 in June.
James melts my heart everyday! His smile is so contagious and he literally makes Steven and I laugh daily. He's been quite shy these past ten months; however, I think his true colors are starting to show. Now when Haleigh has something he wants, he will go get it. He kicks her in the double stroller and thinks its hilarious! We gave him some table food a few weeks ago and now that is all he wants, no more baby food for this big boy. He has two teeth (bottom) and (knock on wood) is very healthy. He's been crawling for a few months now and is beginning to stand without assistance. He walks around holding on to his doggie toy that has wheels and has been cruising along the furniture. Hopefully we will have a walker soon:)

Haleigh...oh where do I begin?! She's still Miss Haleigh who thinks the world is hers. We have to announce (EVERY MORNING) "Now announcing, Princess Haleigh" before she will walk down the stairs. Lord help us! She is obsessed with The Little Mermaid and sings the song probably 15 times a day. She is a mess, but a precious mess. She loves her brother dearly and calls him "buddy". We are working on writing her letters (not going so well except for H) She's mastered her colors, numbers, and letters. She's doing basic addition with manipulatives and loves to learn.

Now lets not think that everything is rainbows and butterflies here at the Conto Household...things do get crazy. Between wake ups at 4 am to just let mommy know that my little man still needs his cuddles to Hales waking up so upset because she's in soaking wet sheets because someone (Steven) thinks she should be out of diapers at night (she's potty trained except at night). And lets not forget to mention the battle we have over the television and phone...but I wouldn't trade it for the world. God has been so good to us and I thank him every day for our blessings.

Well, Haleigh has decided her nap is over, hopefully I will be back here soon. It's nice to jot down my thoughts and look back at how life is.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hard to believe it's already July. I am still thinking as a teaching that I only have a month or so left...good thing is I have much longer than that!

Things have been going well in the Conto house hold. James is finally on a schedule and has been in his crib for a couple of nights now. This is much sooner then we did for Haleigh, but he seems ready. He goes to be around 8:45 and sleeps until 3, wakes at 3 for a bottle then back down until between 6-7. I find myself looking back at the blog when Haleigh was a baby comparing how they look, sleep, eat, etc. People are correct, each baby is different.

James is on sensitive formula, eats 5 ounces about every 4 hours during the day. He has some spit up issues and tummy pains so we switched him to sensitive. And he was having a hard time taking down the bottle (Avent) so we switched to Dr. Brown and knock on wood they seem to be doing great!
He's such a sweet baby! James is very snugly too !!!

Below are pictures from the last few weeks. My sister in law Sammy had her first baby Asher. He is the sweetest little boy!!!
Also we celebrated Independence Day and my sister and her hubby and my neice Madison came in town. They stayed with us for a few days, it was so nice having them here. We miss them so much!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Month 1

Wow...well a month has officially gone by since we welcomed baby James into our world. Warning...there will be tons of photos below, I didn't realize just how much has gone on in the past month until I sat down to type this up. Below are just a few of our events:
- We came home from the hospital, introduced James to our home and our dog Chey Chey:) Haleigh ignored James and I for about two or three days, now she is obsessed. She is such a fabulous big sister.
- James had his first bath: Very uncomfortable for him because of his belly button healing and his circumcision. Now he loves bath time.
- Cousin Madison was here for the week James was born with Natalie, Uncle Matt came down that weekend. It was so perfect having them in town!
- Play date with the Murphy/Larson/Reppard fun!
- Miss Haleigh Nicole turned 2!!!! Our baby girl is so big now! We went to the pool, she had a potty at Miss Sherrie's house (totally going to miss her!!! We must have frequent visits with Sherrie and the kids) Haleigh had Gino's with both sets of Grandparents, and she had a huge, very successful birthday party at the hosue!
- Potty Training...we began working on it this past Monday, we are on day 4 and doing well! She needs constant reminders but we have gone out of the house in big girl panties or "mommy undies" and no accidents!!! (knock on wood) We have taught baby and mini how to use the potty as well.

Hopefully I will update a little more, I didn't realize how much of a slacker I became! Let me tell you what though, being a  Stay at Home Mommy is hard work, especially with a 2 year old that has the constant personality of Miss Haleigh and my newest squeeze Mr. James! (and Chey Chey!!!)
~No time to edit/spell check, hopefully everything is correct, James is crying and Haleigh just woke up.